Celebrating Our Champions: A Remarkable Performance in the State Championship
CalChess Super States Championship League
The beauty of chess lies in the infinite possibilities and the constant challenge to improve.
Team Sur Academy has successfully participated in:
SATURDAY, April 1st 2023 CalChess State Championship K-6
SUR Academy ranked as Top 2 at CalChess Club standings proudly.
We are pleased to announce that the Champions team of our school has won SECOND place in the California State Chess Championship K-6.
The highly anticipated CalChess State Championship K-6 & K-8 took place in Milpitas on April 1st & 2nd. The tournament was a great success, with over 450 players representing 24 chess teams and clubs participating in the competition.
We're thrilled to announce that our team, K-6 Beginner, has earned second place in the competition. Additionally, we'd like to congratulate our team captain, Jargal A, for winning the "Best Performance Trophy."
We owe our success to the hard work and commitment of our incredible team members :
Jargal A, Namulan B, Tenuun J, Baidar M, and Avetis V.
Our team, K-6 Jr. Varsity, achieved an impressive fourth place in the competition. We are thrilled to share our excitement with you!
Furthermore, we'd like to extend congratulations to Erkhembilig M, who earned the "Best Performance Trophy", and Ujin M, who helped secure victories for the team. Well done!
Celebrating K-6 Rookie Team's Achievements:
Itgel Y and Arigun L, members of K-6 Rookie, participated in their first CalChess Tournament.
Although they experienced both victories and defeats, the most important takeaway is the knowledge and experience they gained from the event.
Members of K-6 Rookie, Itgel Y and Arigun L
Team Sur Academy has successfully participated in:
SUNDAY, April 2nd 2023 CalChess State Championship K-8
Chess teaches us to think critically and make strategic decisions – skills we can apply to all aspects of life.
The second day of the CalChess State Championship tournament proved to be a challenge for our K-8 Beginner and Intermediate teams. Nevertheless, they performed exceptionally well and we are extremely proud of each and every one of you!
We are thrilled to announce that Jargal A placed 5th in the K-8 Beginner section for both team and individual standings. Congratulations! We would also like to acknowledge Jonathan E for his outstanding contribution to the team's success.
We are thrilled to announce the success of Erkhembilig M 3rd grader, who played against competitors up to 8th grade and won 4 out of 5 rounds, earning a 5th place spot in individual standings. Congratulations on this hard-earned triumph! We would also like to give a shout-out to Chingutei N for winning the "Best Performance Trophy" and to Ujin M for helping the team win a 5th place team trophy in this challenging section. Great work, team!
"In chess, as in life, every move counts."
Shout out to our amazing Chess Champions team members:
Erkhembileg. M
Chingutei N
Ujin. M
Finally, we want to extend our sincerest congratulations to Enkhtuul A WGM, our esteemed chess coach, and Bryon Doyle US National Master, a skilled teacher, for guiding their students to victory in several chess tournaments.
Our mission is to provide students with the opportunity and necessary support to participate in well-known chess competitions.
We take pride in both the individual and collective accomplishments of our students.